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10 Questions to Ask Your Physiotherapist

David Fitzgerald

Discussing medical history
We are back again with the latest vlog by Chartered Physiotherapist & practising clinician David Fitzgerald. As always, David uses this platform to give readers and viewers some tips and advice on a variety of different topics. Today, he will be talking about the 10 Questions you should ask your physiotherapist so, if you’re interested in knowing more of what David has to say about it, watch the video below! And if you would like to read a summary with the key points discussed in today’s vlog, keep reading this article. The first thing worth mentioning is that these 10 questions are in no particular order and it is completely up to you to choose which ones are the most appropriate to your situation. As David says in the introduction to his vlog, you don’t need to prepare a bullet point list of questions to ask your physiotherapist, all you need to do is think about anything unclear and make sure you ask questions.

Have they seen your condition before and do they have experience in treating it?

This is an extremely important question because there are different specialism’s in physiotherapy  and your condition might be more relevant to one specialism rather than the other. So, it depends on the type of condition you have and whether that’s an area your physiotherapist specializes in. If you want to get the best care then you should see people who are specialized in the specific condition that you have.

How successful is the treatment for your type of condition?

The previous question is directly directed to this one as a physiotherapist specialized in your condition will be able to give this question a very detailed and informed answer. There are usually established time scales that specialists can tell you so it’s a fair question to ask.

Is this a condition that physiotherapy is appropriate for or are three other solutions that should be considered?

As David has discussed in some of his previous videos, this comes down to your physiotherapist’s ethics and whether or not he will put your health before his business. An honest answer is always what’s expected, however, there can be situations when the practitioner you are seeing decides to put their best interests before yours so beware.

What would the alternative treatments be?

A question directly related to the previous one. Again, an ethically minded physiotherapist will be completely honest with you about the possible treatments available.

How do I know when I have plateaued?

This is a question often asked when the condition the patient is suffering from is quite severe and they’re realistically only looking for ways of alleviating their pain or keeping  symptoms under control, rather than getting rid of the problem. Of course, depending on the type of condition you have, you can decide whether or not to ask this question.

How do I maintain what I’ve got?

If it’s a chronic condition that you’re suffering from, your physiotherapist might decide to prescribe you a treatment to help you cope with the symptoms. As David said at the beginning of his video, you don’t have to ask all of these questions; just find the ones that are most appropriate to your situation.

What are the alternatives to the activities I cannot do?

A very important question, especially for patient hoping to get back to their ordinary activities after completing their therapy. This is a decision that will take some communication between both parties, looking for alternatives to maintain their health while still allowing them to go back to enjoying certain activities.

Is the therapist treating symptoms or causes?

This is an extremely important question to ask. When you’re in discomfort and pain you will want your treatments treated. But you will also want your causes to bee treated. This is because, while symptoms might go away with treatments, the cause of the problem might be recurring, meaning that all the work done to treat your symptoms will be in vain. So, these are some of the most important questions that might be worth considering before your next appointment with your physiotherapist. Watch the video to learn more and to hear about the importance of voicing your concerns. Keep an eye out for next week’s video with David Fitzgerald!



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