Brain injury is the term used to describe an injury to the head.
This can be the result of trauma eg blow to the head, or following a bleed, infection or tumour in the brain.
It can result in extensive injury to brain tissue. Any injury to the brain can cause disruption of movement and function together with disturbances in behaviour, vision , speech or cognition such as memory and understanding. The severity of symptoms will largely depend on the extent of injury.

How can Neurophysiotherapy help?
NeuroPhysiotherapists are involved from initial onset and play a pivotal role in managing this condition. Our focus is to help you to move to the best of your ability and to live an active life. This may include learning to use your limbs, learning to walk, improving fitness and return to activities. We also address secondary problems such as pain, discomfort and tissue tightness.
Long Term Management
Continual assessment and collaboration with team members and family throughout the rehabilitation process is essential to address the spectrum of problems and changing cognitive, behavioural and physical needs. Given the extent and complexity of symptoms neurophysiotherapy may therefore be involved in managing symptoms for many years after initial injury although this maybe on an intermittent basis with periodic reviews and short bursts of treatment as needed.