Msk Physiotherapy
Deals with all conditions involving the mechanics of the body: The MSK system is comprised of Muscles Ligaments Tendons Joints Nerve Just as Medicine has different specialties e.g. Orthopaedic surgery, Neurology, Rheumatology , Oncology or General Practice, physiotherapy also has specialization which is very important in selecting your care. You wouldn't ring an electrician to fix the plumbing!
What does this mean for you?
Because diseases & conditions are very different, as are individual histories & medical background, the type of treatment required for a sports injury is very different from low back pain, which again is very different from knee replacement rehabilitation.
You need an experienced expert, who’ll give a straight opinion on what it takes to solve your problem in a timely and cost efficient manner.
Its as simple as this – and If physiotherapy can’t help we’ll tell you!

Msk Rehabilitation
To effectively treat musculoskeletal problems the clinician needs to have the following skills:

- Physical examination – to find the root cause of symptoms.
- Background knowledge to make sense of the information you tell us.
- Experience in with the condition
- A history of success in managing your type of problem.
- A network of other specialists to call on of required
- Manipulation skills – in order to be able to treat joint related problems the clinician must be able to use precise manipulation skills to work on the affected areas.
- Sufficient knowledge of exercise selection to speed up rehabilitation. Stretching exercises for a problem of muscle weakness is a waste of time and money. Strengthening for cases of joint stiffness is not appropriate. Doing general exercises when a personally tailored Solution is required.
- Knowledge of complex pain patterns which may require close liaison with other specialists.
- Honesty in providing care, not over treating in order to gain financially, accepting when chronic conditions and plateaued, recommending other clinicians if they are able to deliver the most necessary care.
- Knowing when not to treat and refer for immediate investigation.

our mission and Values
Inspiring people to live the best possible Life using physiotherapy skills of empowerment, education & physical treatment to restore movement.
You will find an absolute commitment to a thorough, comprehensive assessment of every condition, review of the treatment options & a realistic prognosis regarding the best solution for you.
Laser focused clarity on patient priorities over commercial interest – your best interest is our priority.
Delivering and coordinating optimal care is the foundation of our physiotherapy service and our guiding principle for more than 30 years.
We strive to make your aspirations a reality.
We believe in what we do and the results we have delivered over a lifetime of clinical practice.